The Meramec River in the Ozarks is a beautiful location, known for its picturesque landscape and wildlife. The people who live in this region of the Ozarks are country folk, ranging from cattle farmers to factory workers. Every year, they host their Baptist Association Men and Boys Dinner, which feeds over 250 people. This year, there were over 300 in attendance, and I was fortunate enough to be asked to be their guest speaker.
In the past, this event has had great speakers like Mr. Bill Cooper, an outdoor writer, blogger, educator, and legend in the outdoors. Another past speaker was "Mr. Ralph Duren," another legend from our beautiful state, known for his natural voice calling abilities to create animal sounds. Ralph recently retired from the Missouri Department of Conservation as an agent and public relations communicator.

I was excited about the opportunity to share my faith and my love for turkey hunting. As a speaker at this event, I get to share my love for Jesus Christ and my knowledge of hunting and products that help make hunting more enjoyable for outdoorsmen and women. Among the products that we had on display were the TideWe blind, TideWe Heated Vest, rangefinder, TideWe Hunting Chair, TideWe hunting backpack, and my favorite pair of boots, the black rubber lace-ups.

My team and I are honored to represent TideWe for many reasons. Their heated clothing line keeps anybody warm with controlled heat, and their waterproof boots keep your feet dry in the toughest elements. The blind allows you to see through while keeping you hidden from the eyes of all creatures that you may choose to hunt.
What impresses me most about TideWe products is their great prices and warranty. If you are looking for high-quality products at affordable prices with a great warranty, I encourage you to try TideWe. They are a company that is fairly priced and helps everyone enjoy their great outdoor experiences without costing an arm and a leg.