Can I place an order? Will Truwild Life deliver the package?
Yes, TruwildLife is working hard to maintain a selection of priority items and deliver them to customers. In some cases, due to high demand, delivery times may be longer than usual. Please avoid using delivery addresses for buildings that may be closed due to the current provisions (e.g. schools).
What's the status of my order and delivery?
Once your order has shipped, you can find tracking information in your order details.You can track it when you click the Carrie.
If an order includes multiple items, each may have separate delivery dates and tracking information.
Why are some items, Express shipping and Standard Shipping, taking longer to ship?
As COVID-19 has spread, we have seen an increase in people shopping online. To serve our customers while also helping to ensure the safety of our associates, we have changed our logistics, transportation, supply chain, purchasing, and third-party seller processes to prioritize stocking and delivering items that are a higher priority for our customers.
Can I still make returns?
Yes, we're still processing returns. To start a return and learn more about returns, please visit the Online Store.What is Truwild Life doing to keep customers and employees safe?
We are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19. In addition to the thousands who are affected by the illness, thousands more are indirectly dealing with changes in their work, school, and community environments. Learn more about what we are doing to ensure the safety and support of our customers, communities, and employees during this difficult time. TruWildLife insists on the disinfection of warehouses and goods on a regular basis every day. All employees wear masks to work and take their body temperature three times a day. Some employees conduct tests of COVID-19 reagent to ensure the safety of our products, employees and customers.